Thursday 28 April 2011

The Beauty of Detail

I adore the intricacies of life. The minute moments and and subtle behaviours. I was at work today and noticed a girl cross her legs and brush her hair away from her face. Stunning. At another table someone lightly knocked the table and the glasses clinked and the liquid quivered.

I want to suck in all those little things I see and store them forever. I feel like we let so much pass us by and never really absorb the beautiful details in so much around us. I love the unconscious gestures we all do. A scratch of the nose; a purse of the lips; I stroke my eyebrows with my middle finger or rub the back of my neck.

I yearn, I need, I want those experiences to be cemented into my mind. I don't want to miss a thing.

Take my hand and trace the lines, the contours, the scars. Examine the tiny hairs and watch the bones slide underneath my skin as I wiggle my fingers. Run your finger slowly over the smooth parts and hard parts from years of opening oysters.

The tiniest details of life are, at times, the most important because they never lie. They never wear a mask. They never create a facade. I can smile and laugh when talking with you, but look at my eyes, do they sparkle?


  1. Love this. So true, so beautifully written.
    Life is rich.


  2. Amazingly written. Couldn't have put it better myself
