Sunday 1 May 2011

Forget Me Not

I haven't forgotten you; you are still in my thoughts, moving through my mind wistfully and wonderfully. How could I forget you or pretend you were never there? Life is but a moment made up of memories and memories of you compel me to be a better man.

I haven't forgotten you; I have simply found my life is journeying to place where we cannot walk together. We have clung on with our fingertips touching, but alas the winds of life have caused our grip to slip and the waters are taking us in different directions.

I haven't forgotten you; you have enriched my mind, my heart and my soul. I cannot forget you because you have made me part of who I am today. To forget you would be to deny myself. Would I look in the mirror and deny the image I see? Sometimes I would like to, but would that not be insanity?

I haven't forgotten you. Please don't forget me.


  1. It's not much, I just didn't have many words...
    You write with such raw honesty and emotion, and it leaves me speechless (and trust me, not much does :p)


  2. Is this about a girl or God...? ;0)

  3. ;p I think you know the answer, Mr Sarcasmo. x
