Friday 24 June 2011

Time to Soar

Through all the muck and grime; the pain and despair; the self-loathing and the self-pity; the darkness and mental paralysis, it can begin to feel rather hopeless. The mind is a powerful thing and can make you believe lies over truth; pessimism over optimism.

I've been learning a different story. I've been travelling a different journey recently. I see myself differently. A phoenix from the ashes. My Intruder is not having the last laugh or holding residence in my mind.

I spent a week in Devon with my amazing twin bro and his family. I breathed their hope and love. I absorbed their optimism and utter embracing of life and all it has to offer. I gained clarity about what makes me alive and passionate.

I know I can make it as a writer. I know I have a lot of love to give. I know life is shitty and throws curve balls to knock us off balance. BUT. I know that is what makes life, well, life. Someone special said how she knows something is different when you have those struggles but basically want to overcome them and see it through. It's true; you know your mentality has changed when you say "no" to hopelessness and defeat. It's feeling alive and feeling that hope about so many elements to your life. It's enchanting.

A wonderful verse in the Bible says, "and you will renew your strength and soar on wings like eagles."

It's time to soar.

Peace. x

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