Monday 27 June 2011

Another Day, Another Dawn

The past few days have been strange. They have been rather liberating. They have confirmed in me that I am on a journey to belief in myself. Mine and Abi's divorce is official. She is no longer my wife in the official sense. I am no longer her husband. It's bitter sweet. Bitter because we could never make it work as a married couple. We fought for it and we battled to stay together. We communicated, we cried together, we swam against the crippling current to remain married.

Ultimately though we both knew it wasn't meant to be. We were never destined to stay married. I believe we were destined to married for the time we were. But it seems we were never meant to stay together forever. We married in a difficult time. I pulled Abi out of a tough time and helped her find her identity and belief in herself. I helped her understand she is wonderfully made, with amazing talent and such a big heart.

She helped me understand how precious I am. She cared for me and comforted me in my despair as I came to terms with knowing I have depression. She never judged me and always carried me when I felt too weak. She was a wonderful wife. And I am proud to have been married to this amazing woman and I wish for her (and her future baby) a life of love and joy.

I feel excited for her future and excited for mine also. The divorce marks the end of a chapter, but the beginning of a new story with tantalising possibilities.

I moved back to my folks today. I've gone to place of comfort and security. I'm near my family and dear, dear friends. It's like I can assess my life and really reach for the stars. I have hope and expectation and excitement about the future, because I know my gifts and talents are unique. I know I am ready to love and be loved. I am able to see life with another in all its splendour. I see the potential for something fantastic with someone in particular. Who knows? Ultimately though, I am liking Thomas.

It's another day tomorrow, with another dawn and as the sun rises and streams its light across the globe, I want to absorb that energy and blast it into every corner of my life.


  1. That's cool. I'm liking Thomas too (and I can think of at least three senses in which that is true ;o)
