Friday 31 August 2012

Life during Life

"If I died tomorrow, do you actually think you would never see me again?"

Carmen asked me this question not too long ago and it really challenged me.  Being an atheist means I do think this life is it and the journey ends when death wraps its cold arms around us.  It scares me to think that if Carmen, whilst I am writing this, dies would I ever see aher again in a life after?  Does the journey continue?  I have to be honest with myself though and, right now, I don't think I would see her again.  I believe the life we are sharing is the only journey we will share; therefore I need to make the most of her.

It's a brutal viewpoint, I know.  Some may see it as slightly callous because it seems alien to think we won't see loved ones again.  When a person dies the regular responses are of hope that they are in a 'better place', 'sleeping with the angels', 'walking with Jesus' and so forth.

People refuse to believe I am an atheist and are almost incredulous that I could hold the belief that there is no afterlife.  It's slightly offensive to some.

But, just because I don't believe in heaven doesn't mean I don't believe in love and compassion and care.  I spent too many days hating myself and others and digging my grave early.  Too many days wishing this life away.  It's true, life is for living.

I may not believe in life after death but I passionately believe in life during life.

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