Wednesday 15 August 2012

Do You Remember?

Do you remember?  Do you remember how it felt?  Do you remember?

It was like a blanket of inky darkness wrapped around my brain and seeped into every corner, travelling through the palaces of my mind, making the walls crumble and ceilings collapse.  It was infection from the inside out.

Do you remember?

It was pain that had no face or form; no substance and took no respite.  It was relentless in its advance and rushed in like a terrifying force of nature.  It smashed through the walls of my mind and twisted its knife deep inside my soul.

Do you remember?

The road to freedom was long, treacherous and lonely.  I gazed into the bleak horizon and only saw hostility and hopelessness.  I only saw darkness and despair.  I only saw sadness and suicide.

Do you remember?

Then it changed.  In the horizon I saw the sun stretch its rays of hope through the sky and punch away the darkness.  The hostile road, illuminated by the hope, revealed something new and exciting and peaceful. The road of despair was no longer so and I could see that which I feared was unfounded in the new light.  In the dark the mind plays tricks and can deceive you; in the light you see things how they really are.

The blanket of depression wrapped around my brain has begun to dissolve.  I am not consumed by guilt and fear and loathing.  I am compelled by light and love and hope.

I want you to remember.


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