Sunday 3 March 2013


"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."  Oscar Wilde

Carmen and I have been having very odd dreams lately; our minds are working overtime and it is manifesting in uncomfortable and bizarre dreams.  We have a lot to process at the moment with real possibilities and quite a stunning 2013.  It's in the balance though and could simply be a year of disappointment.  Our dreams are signifying that we have a lot on our minds because we could be waking soon to find some of those  good dreams will be a reality.

I'm not sure I can count how many times I have grasped hold of something only to see it slip from my fingers at the last moment.  So often I have caught the dream in my hands and it has slipped through like a liquid.  I am very cautious nowadays to get excited because I'm not sure I want to deal with the feeling of dejection if it all falls through.  I want to catch hold of these dreams and seem them solidify and no longer be ethereal phantasms of my imagination.

I want to see the people, places and emotions I feel and see in my sleep become physical reality.  I will keep pushing and keep climbing; I have a beautiful and supportive partner who keeps driving me forward and reminding me this is not a journey being done alone.

The sun could be rising on a new era.

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