Thursday 7 June 2012

The Whole Truth?

I like to feel important; I like to feel appreciated; I like to appear funny and interesting.

Do you?

I know I tell stories and tales and 'edit' them a little, simply to make them funnier or interesting.  The edits are usually tiny; maybe a slightly different word used to the one actually said, or may adding an extra person to the people present when I did this or that, but ultimately the story is true.  The thing is, I'm adjusting the story to increase my importance and popularity (or perceived level of popularity).  Most of the time it's a rather subconscious thing and only after do I even realise I have done it.

Why?  I think it's to feel more important than I really am.  I think it's to elevate my own sense of self.  I think it's entirely human and most of us do it - unless we do absolutely awesome things and don't need to edit the story for entertainment value.

Why do we feel uncomfortable with the reality of ourselves?  Why do we feel the need to sensationalise something?  Is it a fear of rejection, judgement or boring another?  Is it all three?

Take the photo above; it's a beautiful photo in its original but I felt it needed adjusting and 'improving'.  There's nothing wrong with the original, but somehow the edited version 'fits' better.  Maybe our lives are a little like that  - there's nothing wrong with how our lives are but we feel a need to adjust them for the benefit of others so we 'fit' better.

Sometimes I should take a deep breath and realise if people don't like the original then maybe that is down to their perception than my quality as a human.  I 'fit' fine, just the way I am.


P.S Here's the original.

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