Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Harvest of our Relationships

The oyster deals with extreme conditions throughout its short life.  It is battered and bashed and bundled around.  Harsh winds and waters throw it around, knocking it about.  It is dredged up from the seabed by oystermen, dumped on to a boat and then knocked about with a cold, steel knife to get rid of any unwanted shell and debris.

It is thrown into a box, taken ashore, tipped into other boxes, blasted with a power washer, tipped around, lugged about, graded in size and eventually ends up in yet another box to be delivered to a restaurant or eagerly awaiting customer.

When the oyster us finally opened, inside is a beautifully delicate mollusc which seems to defy the harsh treatment it has endured.  And sometimes, just sometimes, inside you'll find a perfectly formed pearl.  A beautiful product of nature which sits there as a product of the oyster being irritated by sand in the shell.

As people, we will be battered and bundled around in our lives.  Sometimes physically, but usually emotionally.  It is our endurance and perseverance though which sets us apart.  We will be hurt by others, made to feel torn and tossed around and tested beyond what we feel we can handle.  Somehow we claw our way through and find the harvest of our journey is more wisdom, greater awareness and a heightened understanding of ourselves.

We will also find a beautiful pearl as a product of those 'irritants' hounding us.  Those pearls could be a hug, a kiss, a kind gesture, the gentle hand squeeze from a loved one, a penetrating look just to let you know someone is there for you.

Whatever the pearl, ensure you treasure it and keep it in a safe place, because the harvest of those pearls will be a lifeline, a means of support when everything seems rather futile.

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