Wednesday 17 November 2010

Embrace the Frown

Sam posted this link on my Facebook wall the other day and it really struck a chord with me. I think there is a tentative walk we must take when thinking about sadness and mental illness. Obviously they are two very different things, which we so easily place into the same category. It's too easy to say, “God I'm so depressed,” when of course you simply mean pissed off, or sad. Unfortunately, being sad for a week or two suddenly means you must have depression and need medication.

It is liberating to allow yourself to be sad and actually embrace it. It's freeing, when someone asks how you are, to be honest and say, “Actually, I feel pretty crappy today.” Sadness isn't a weakness and doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. Ironically, I felt happier once I realised it was okay to admit I was sad. It relieves a lot of pressure to conform.

Embrace your sadness people – friends and family should accept you for whatever you are going through. If they don't? Fuck them.

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