Tuesday 12 November 2013

I Want to See you Cry

I wish we were all more comfortable in each other's company; it seems we have lost the understanding of comfortable silence.  On the radio the other morning it was being discussed as to whether it was 'appropriate' to go out for dinner on Christmas Day.  There was a fairly even split between the two camps, but one response saddened me.  A woman text in to say that she and her partner would be going out to lunch on Christmas Day because they would be on their own this year and didn't want to sit in an empty house on Christmas Day.

"On their own."
I think that's a contradiction of terms as you can't be on your own if you're with someone else.  It highlighted that many people find it difficult to be with their partner and only their partner and need to be in busyness otherwise they feel rather uncomfortable.  I see many couples out to dinner and they are both staring at their smartphones throughout the entire evening and the only conversation they have is to point out an amusing post on Facebook or Twitter.

The best nights Carmen and I have are when we sit on the sofa, put some music on in the background, open some wine and then chat for hours about anything and everything.  Sometimes we'll have a few nights of watching TV and both say in unison that the television is off-limits because we almost feel slightly less human after having spent hours staring at the electronic box in the corner.  We sit and chat for hours and it feels like we're been starved of oxygen and suddenly been able to take great big gulps; it is bloody liberating.

Our phones are definitely banned during dinner.

Why have we become so uncomfortable with human interaction that the only way we can find humour, sentimentality or romance is through technology?  It's fucking depressing.

Remember how good it feels when having a conversation and you laugh so hard your stomach hurts?  It's a fantastic feeling.  Don't get duped by the corporate machine so that you become a robot.  I'm by no means anti-technology, but do believe that we're being fooled into thinking it's the only way to interact with others.

Let us be human beings.  Let us be emotional.  Let us be real.  I'd rather see someone laugh than 'lol', I'd rather wipe away tears than see :(

Peace.  x

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