Wednesday 15 May 2013

Beacon of Light

How do you feel?  Have you been crippled by fear again?  Have you woken with your back dripping wet and your mind branded with terror?  It has been another night of cruel images steamrolling their way in and leaving you trembling, sweating and gasping for breath.  It is relentless.  It is disturbing.

What causes these night terrors to swoop in and rob you of peace and tranquility?  I was once told the nightmares are there because of my own perception of myself.  I was told that the longer I clung on to certain things the more frequently these nightmares would return.  After all, no-one else is commanding your mind.  No-one is implanting these dreams.  You are the master of your mind.  Or you can be at least.  What guilt to you cling on to, like letting go would somehow end your life?

This guilt we nurture holds no use or purpose but yet we desperately strive to nourish it as if it holds some special power we don't quite understand yet.  Guilt is purely subjective and holds no baring on another person's life.  Our guilt makes another's life no better or worse;  they carry on regardless.  We sit there in our own filth of guilt as if we are punishing ourselves.  It's a form of self-harm.  It's sadistic.

We allow this guilt to rot our insides and tear away at our soul until we becomes a shadow - life drained from our eyes.  We allow it to dictate our identity and ultimately are left with no identity.  We become people of fear and trembling not beautiful beacons of light.  You are a beacon of light.

When you accept the past is the past and what makes life worth living is how embrace the now, that is when you become a beacon of light.  Look at those around you who seem so content and at ease with who they are.  They understand the beauty of now and the empowering sense of freedom that comes with accepting mistakes and understanding the wisdom which has come from those mistakes.

Guilt brings death.  Forgiveness brings life.

Forgive yourself.  Stand in the sun and breathe in the wonderful freedom of forgiveness.

Peace.  x

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