Monday 5 March 2012

I Believe

I believe in love – unconditionally.
I believe in giving people a chance to be the best they can.
I believe in the enduring power of humanity.
I believe we are a people who have lost our identity.
I believe we have been seduced by materialism and are realising the illusion it really is.
I believe we have a government which is concerned with the rich getting richer and has no grasp of the difficulties people face at grass root level.
I believe (and hope) the banking system in Britain will collapse and you will no longer be in this evil system’s clutches.
I believe communities will flourish when we realise our home isn’t our castle, but a place of welcome, love and refuge. 
I believe people need peace and ways to find it.
I believe life is beautiful and we must absorb the smallest things around us instead of being consumed by needless worry.
I believe in love.

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