Friday 25 November 2011

Islam, Jesus & Atheism

What do you believe?






Whatever we believe, they are all very different, but cross many similar boundaries.  Jews, Muslims and Christians are united by Abraham and divided by many other aspects.  They all believe on one God, who is all powerful, all knowing and timeless.

Buddhists (and many people who are vague about their beliefs) believe in Karma and what you give in life dictates what you get.

Atheists believe in no god/gods and that this life is the beginning, middle and end.

We are all united though, because we are human.

The right-wing preachers and bringers of death and doom can all go f*** themselves because the reasonable ones of us realise that life is beautiful because of questions and wonderful dialogue.  Carmen and I had a good time last night chatting with the local Indian restaurant owner about his faith in Allah and the traditions he follows.  His belief in the Koran, Allah and Mohammed was intriguing and interesting.

I honestly don't know what is 'out there' but I do know that I don't want to be ignorant to others' beliefs because our world is built on faith traditions and to ignore them is to ignore our heritage.


1 comment:

  1. It may be easier to view "religion" as wisdom teachings that offer guidance for living......

    "God" can be defined---but its best not to....the Chinese use the word Tao (way) for "God"...sounds good to me.

    "In the beginning was the Tao, all things issue from it, all things return to it."---Tao te Ching
