Tuesday 13 September 2011

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Without sleep we become zombies who drag their feet through each day, lost in waking dreams and muddled minds. I have had years of poor sleep and unsettled nights. Inability to rest properly and finding myself waking three or four times a night. I thought it was normal and would be part of what makes me Tom.

Recently though, I have been sleeping peacefully. I have been sleeping through the night and waking feeling refreshed and happy. My dreams have been less intense and actually it has been nice to wake without remembering any dreams at all. I love to dream and wake with vivid pictures of rather random and epic storylines from my subconscious. But, to wake having slept peacefully and happily is actually a better sensation. My daydreams are much more optimistic and I enjoy the sensation of serenity in the mornings.

 I love waking with someone beautiful in my arms and the warmth of her stirring as she comes out of her slumber. I love the way she looks at me when she wakes, with true contentment and sparkling eyes knowing I am there with her.

 I love how the simple process of sleep means close friends comment on how well I look, how my eyes are alive and my face is fresh. It is comforting and encouraging. I am not deluding myself that I am doing well. I am doing well.

 When peace comes, embrace it and treasure it. I hope it is not fleeting, but even so, nurture the sensation it brings because we're in a world of quick fixes and passing peace. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are happy.
    I just wish you had let me be part of this journey with you.
    I will miss you <3
