At work today I was watching the various people eating in the restaurant and getting a glimpse into their lives. There was the table celebrating a birthday, giving a cake, with three candles to their elderly relative; the young couple who were clearly in love but enjoyed people watching, but always acknowledging each other through subtle hand holds and glances; the five desperate housewives who chatted loudly and enthusiastically about suburban life; the uptight group of four who, as friends, clearly needed to enjoy life more; the Spanish party of four who loved life and chatted passionately.
People are diverse and interesting and all on a journey to an unknown destination. They're all muddling through this world trying to understand who they are and where they fit in this strange existence. Nothing is certain for any of us. We may have a succesful career but possibly a rocky home life. We may be madly in love but struggling to make ends meet. We may be fervently certain about our soul but utterly lost about our physical state of health. We may be the perfect example of physical prowess but spiritually lost at sea. We may read five books a week and have diverse knowledge but be emotionally crippled. We all face those moments of questioning who we are and what we are here for.
But that is the beauty of this journey isn't it? This journey is along a road full of twists and turns and tests. This journey has no promises of being easy but it does provide wonderful possibilities where we can be people who reach beyond daydreams and grasp the stars.
Go grab a star.
Peace. X
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